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GDPR, Policies & disclaimer


Who are we?


Yore Therapy is a Clinical Psychotherapy and Hypnotherapy Practice. I respect your privacy and I am committed to protecting any personal information that you provide me.

This Privacy policy explains how and why Yore therapy collects any personal information. This may be via the contact page form, during the sessions you attend, by text and email. The privacy policy also explains other information I collect, for example when you use the website. It explains how I use this information, who I share it with, your rights regarding personal information that I hold, as well as detailing other issues.


What information do we collect?


I collect information when you complete the contact page and when you email me directly. I collect it during the hypnotherapy sessions, and when you text.


Why do we need a record of this information?


For the purpose of giving you the highest quality support, I collect information about

  • What you want to achieve during the hypnotherapy sessions

  • A limited amount of relevant medical information

  • Some family details

  • Brief session notes.


This information allows me to refer to back to the content and discussions of previous sessions. Your contact details /address and GP details will only be used with your explicit consent.

I use information from the website to identify visitor information behaviour and trends. An example would be the number of times the site has been visited and what pages have been accessed. When you visit the website, you will be asked to accept or decline our cookies.


How do I know that the information will be held securely?


Paper session notes- Stored in a locked filling cabinet.

Text messages-Finger print recognition and password protected.

Emails- Stored on the computer that is password protected.

Electronic documents – Any electronic documents e.g. A letter to your GP, or an invoice, are password protected and stored on a password protected computer if they contain personal or sensitive information.


How long will my information be held for?


As a member of the AFSFH I am bound by their regulations on holding your information. The AFSFH requires me to hold your information for 8 years after your final session. An exception is for children whom I must hold data until their 25th birthday (unless they are age 17 when treatment finishes, and I must keep it until their 26th birthday). All records will be deleted in the January after the above retention scale. This is in line with data holding regulations set by the NHS.


Can I ask for my data to be deleted?


GDPR allows the request of all your records to be deleted. To make a request write to:

Brenna Wright: 15 Swinerton Avenue, York, YO26 4YT.


Should you request this then all your paper records will be shredded with a cross shredding machine. Any electronic data such as emails, text messages and contact forms will be permanently deleted from the device they are stored on. Please note that I must save the deletion request you made. It is possible that the legal team of my insurance company ‘Holistic Insurance’ may want me to verify the information sent out.


Can I ask to see my data and how long will it take?


You are now able to ask to see any data that is held about you within 30 days of asking. You can ask for a copy of any personal information held by me if you decide. It is possible however, that the legal team of my insurance company may want to verify information that I send out. 


Do our discussions during the hypnotherapy sessions remain confidential?


Everything we discuss during the sessions remains strictly confidential between us both. On occasion I may choose to discuss elements of the sessions with my supervisor to ensure I am doing my job effectively. During these discussions I will not disclose any identifying details about you to my supervisor. My supervisor adheres to GDPR.


What if we meet away from the hypnotherapy sessions?


I am obliged by GDPR to protect your confidentiality. For this reason, although I will acknowledge you, it would be appropriate to avoid conversation. However, if you wish to discuss your therapy with other people, you are welcome to do so. 


Will you discuss me with other Health and Social Care Professionals (HSCPs)?


I am only able to contact other HSCPs with your written consent. In the event, that I write to your GP, to notify them that you are receiving treatment and then when the treatment ends, I would require your signature in line with GDPR regulations. The only exception would be if I believed that you were about to harm yourself or others. In this case I would be required to inform the relevant authorities as part of my ‘Duty of Care’. However, I would make every effort to discuss this with you before taking any action. Legally I would also have to provide information to the police as set out in a warrant or court order, should the situation arise.


Cookies are text files placed on your computer to collect standard internet log information and visitor behaviour information. This information is used to track visitor use of the website and to compile statistical reports on website activity.




For further information visit (

You can set your browser not to accept cookies or block cookies and the above website will tell you how to remove cookies from your browser. However, in a few cases some of our website features may not function as a result.




Yore therapy does not hold or keep records/databases of your personal information as a means of targeting customers with leaflets or using e-mail marketing.

If you need to contact me for any reasons concerning your personal Information, please email or write to Brenna Wright, Yore therapy, 15 Swinerton avenue, York, YO26 4YT.


Other issues


This policy may be updated when important changes are required. Please check for updates. This policy was reviewed on 27th September 2024.


Data Controller is Brenna Wright.


Safeguarding children and vulnerable adult’s policy


I am very happy to work with children from 11 years old and upwards within protective conditions. Children are not eligible to use my web site and I ask that minors (under the age of 16) do not submit any personal information to me. If you are a minor, you can use this site only in conjunction with permission and guidance from your parents or guardians. The initial consultation will require the presence of the parent or guardian. Subsequent sessions will require the parent or guardian to remain on the premises.  I have an up-to-date enhanced DBS certificate.


Complaints Policy


If a complaint occurs, then I will attempt to resolve the situation by asking for contact with the person. Although I do realise that in some circumstances you might prefer to contact the AFSFH directly.




The information provided on this website is for general informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Solution-focused hypnotherapy is a complementary therapy and should not replace consultations with qualified medical or mental health professionals.

While I strive to support your well-being, I cannot guarantee specific results, as individual experiences and outcomes may vary. Any decisions you make based on the information provided on this website or during therapy sessions are your own responsibility.

If you have any concerns about your physical or mental health, please consult with your doctor or healthcare provider before engaging in hypnotherapy.


How to contact us


Please contact me if you have any questions about the privacy policy or information I hold about you. Please email or write to Brenna Wright, Yore therapy, 15 Swinerton Avenue, YO26 4YT.

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